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How to Get Your Cosmetology License in Fort Myers, Florida


Cosmetology is a broad category including services that target the hair, skin, and nails. Cosmetologists help clients have confidence in the way they look by providing professional beauty services.

The barbering, hairstyling, and cosmetology field is projected to have a 19% growth rate between 2020 and 2030. So if you have any interest in pursuing a career in cosmetology, now is the time to act. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect from a cosmetology training program.

Who Should Enroll in a Cosmetology Program?

If you value creativity and flexibility in your work, cosmetology may be the right move for you. You should consider enrolling in a cosmetology program if you:

  • Enjoy working with people
  • Are interested in beauty and providing beauty services
  • Want to help people look and feel their best
  • Are personable and can carry on a conversation

What Will I Learn in a Cosmetology Training Program?

In any cosmetology program, you’ll receive a combination of in-class instruction and hands-on training. This will best equip you for a successful career as a cosmetologist.

Cosmetology is an umbrella category that includes a few different sub-categories, such as:

  • Hair services: You will learn how to perform the latest techniques in haircutting, coloring, and design.
  • Skincare services: As an esthetician, you will learn how to administer skincare treatments such as facials and waxes.
  • Nail services: You will learn how to perform a quality manicure and pedicure while mastering the art of nail design and cuticle care.
  • Makeup services: You will learn how to apply various makeup products to help your clients achieve a beautiful look.

Soft Skills

A cosmetology program will also teach you the soft skills needed for career success. Some of those soft skills include:

  • Time management
  • Money management
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Marketing & communication
  • Creativity
  • Flexibility
  • Versatility
  • Product knowledge



Average Cost & Length of Cosmetology Programs

The cost to attend cosmetology school all depends on the state you enroll in, the location within the state, and the school. Keep in mind that students requiring financial assistance can always apply for grants and scholarships.

Most cosmetology programs can be completed anywhere between nine to 15 months, depending on if you enroll as a part-time or a full-time student. The duration of Florida Academy’s Cosmetology program is about ten months.

Students can complete the Cosmetology Program at Florida Academy in as little as ten months.

How Can I Get My Cosmetology License in Florida?

You must meet a few requirements before you can earn your cosmetology license in the state of Florida:

  1. Must be at least 16 years old
  2. Apply and get accepted to a training program at an accredited school
  3. Complete a 1,200-hour cosmetology training program
  4. Passes Florida’s state board exam, which is administered by the Florida Board of Cosmetology

You must pay a combined fee of $31.50 to take the written clinical and written theory exams plus an additional $63.50 for the cost of the license itself.

Nationally Accredited Beauty School in Fort Myers

Looking to start your career as a licensed cosmetologist? Florida Academy is the school for you. Through a combination of expert classroom instruction and practical hands-on training, we prepare students for life on the job. Our cosmetology program includes 1,200 credit hours, exactly the amount required to sit for the state board exam and earn your cosmetology license. If you’re ready to jumpstart your cosmetology career, apply to our program today.

Discover your passion today!

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